Monday, February 23, 2009

Balancing Export & Imports of Goods not Laborers

zao shang hao (Good morning)
hen gao ren shi ni (Very nice to know you)
bu ke qui ( welcome)

Chinese manufacturers of fur garments exported $2,000,000,000,000 to the United States last year. made almost entirely using farm raised rabbit fur pelts of Chinese origin and Mink and Sable of Scandanavian origin.

Each year, we here in Seattle export to Japan Europe and Russia, BUT NOT TO CHINA $200,000,000 in wild fur pelts of American origin which are indigenous to North America such as Coyote, Lynx, bobcat, Beaver, Arctic Timber wold, otter, fisher, badger, These pelts are available only from North America.

The market for Chinese made fur apparel in United States would be much greater if Chinese manufacturers started to import American wild fur pelts both for re-export to United States as well as for Chinese consumers. But UPS and FedEx tell shippers that it's illegal to ship fur to China although they ship Chinese fur to the USA. Actually thos h igh shipping rates of express mail (3 days) are hard to justify when Chinese Customs, opposed to imports, takes more than three days to clear incoming shipment. Rather than have to give non-performance refunds to American shippers FedEx and UPS conveniently state that a perfectly legal transaction is "ILLEGAL"

Until this changes, we do not plan to establish a branch office in China
We have thuroughly investigated whether this would be the correct business decision now , and the answer is no.

But we are interested in helping Chinese fur garment manufacturers create or increase exports to USA

We also want to find an importer, distributor or wholesaler in China that is willing to distribute our fur pelts to Chinese garment manufacturers

We would help them reexport the garment manufactured with these pelt to United States

Unless China starts to import wild fur pelts from USA into China, the Chinese Government will continue to have to buy American treasury notes to enable Americans to keep buying Chinese exports.

You have already seen how Chinese are loosing their jobs and Americans also, from decline in Chinese exports.

This condition makes us realize that this is not the correct time to open a branch in China and attempt to market furs made with American fur pelts to Chinese consumers. Instead we want to collaborate with your existing offices in Hong Kong

Even the Search and trade engines like and ,do not allow us to indicate in our advertisement on their websites, that we have any business activity within China. We assume the reason is so that we will not be considered to be competing with Chinse owned companies in China. Ostensibly these trade boards are for the purpose of generating reciprocal trade. But in reality it is carefully designed to ONLY promote exports of Chinese products made with Chinese raw materials.

We are interested to collaborate with China, since such collaboration will result in producing mutual income, using your and our existing facilities. After we achieve that, then we would consider investing such income in establishment of physical facilities in China, that would be in addition to your existing facilities.

wo ke yi bank zhu ni mia (How can I help you)

xie xie (Thank you)

mei guan xi zai jian (good bye)

American No Longer Own Their Country

Mr President Obama

Patrick Henry said. "Taxation without Representation is Tyranny". American Elections no longer provide representation because campaign contributors receive the representation of those elected

This has resulted in 1/6th of 1% of Americans earning 50% of total American national annual income.

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan in the first book he has win America doesn't stop, then America will go the same way as Communism.

The present depression can only be overcome if restitution is made to the poor and middle class for the reosurces of our country that have been systematically transferred to the rich

A 15% capital gains keeps the rich rich because they have little or no income upon which to pay a tax, while the middle class has 100% of their income subject to taxes as high as 40% and social security taxes on all of the average income . The middle class has almost all of their income subject to sales tax, while the rich spends only a small part of their income. If a W2 worker drives to work, better bring their lunch because neither is deductible. If you are an employer you drive and lunch are deductible and so are your vacations. If you are a campaign contributor you have access to government contract awards. Lately it's become a tactic to recontract our defense budget for troops to private companie owned by former "Seals" and "CIA" (Black Water) who get paid $930 per day per man for troops and who pay their men $350 per day.Your kids who inlist d on't make that kind of money. Not only do the rich not pay their fair share of taxes, they actually find watys legally to have those whose campaigns they funded, transfer your taxes back to the rich through programs ike Black Water.

Private 1st through 8th grade schools now provide the children of the rich with very good educations for $25,000 per year per student. That has solved the education problem., but not for you.

Lobbyists are the gophers for the wealthy campaign contributors which asures congressional loyalty.

Replacing private funding with federal funding of campaigns is essential to fixing and changing this injustice and inequity. Only such a level playing field will restore the imbalance in resource distribution of our nation. It is the only way to return ownership of the nation to the people.


1. aaminimum ANNUAL estate tax with possible credit for any capital gains tax.

2. reduction in state CONSUMPTION sales taxes.

3. Let Japan have the auto business in return for financing employment RETRAINING programs for the displaced workers. Same for other products and China.

4. Buy all foreclosures for current estimated appraised value of 25% to 50% of unpaid balances.

5. Bank bankruptcies are unavoidable no matter how much you pour down this drain. Start Nationally owned banks with government salary limitations.

6. Let present home occupants continue occupancy of foreclosed properties with rental payments to the government OF 31% OF THEIR INCOME. with option to buy. Replace occupants with new ones when they are willing to pay higher rents.

7. There is nothing socialist about correcting past economic injustices. You can fix America for all Americans. Temporarily that 1/6 of 1% , a minority, has to experience some reverse dilution in order to correct past tax injustices with reverse transfers..

8. The poor can paint each others walls of homeless shelters, but that won't restore to them their fair share of this country's resources that unfair taxes have redistributed to that 1/6th of 1%. capital redistribution has to be part of this change.

9. Eliminating income taxes for $8 per hour minimum wage earners.

10. Consider also paying the social security taxes of $8 per hour workers with estate tax revenues from the top 1/6th of 1%. Reverse distribution programs.

Change of injustice requires reversal through restitution. You won. It will require the use of power. There will be no volunteers amongst those representing the vested interests. You alone presently represent the American people. Remember that.
Take back what belongs to the American people.
The truths they hold to be self evident are that taxation without representation justifies revolution. It's a known injustice. Follow your conviction. Weakness and uncertainty are your enemy. It's a tough job but you are the one selected to do it. Do it Mr. President

Wake up all the people. We support you
Count on the 1/6th of 1% fighting and resisting and undermining you at all cost.
They intend to keep what they have at any price. They like a company store with serfs and royalty. They figure they will be dead before justice is done or another revolution inevitably takes place. You hold the future in your hands.

The people believe in you Mr. President. I do

You know what has to be done.

Restitution is not Socialism

The greatest Ponsi scheme of them all is the Mortgage scheme. Swindlers convinced the mortgage rating companies to give AAA rating to mortgages issued to borrowers whom they likewise convinced to overstate their incomes thus making them co-consiprators in Fraud.

But, having been told that the value of their homes would continue to rise at least 6% per year
and the profits would bail them out if they couldn't afford to keep it, that co-conspirecy wasn't a vital part of the fraud. The false ratings and marketing of them was something without which a simple mistatement of income would mever have obtained a mortgage.

Home buyers did not have the knowledge to fraudulently rate their BBB mortgages into AAA rated CDOs and CPO's and then mislead investors into buying them.

With trillons in CDOs and CPOs outstanding worldwide. the mortgage brokers that sold them need to make restituion of the stolen funds and charged criminally.

Their co-consspirators... stretching the defintion, since they were equally duped, put the proceeds of their share into improvement or spent it. Foreclosing and evicting them, does not produce any restitution. It just leaves cities with unattended unoccupied overvalued homes,
a source of squatters, deterioration, burgarlary and infextuous devaluation of occupied neighboring housing.

Letting occupants rent at 31% of their incomes makes sense and is not rewarding them.
rental income provides some measure of resitituion to the mortgage holders until new buyers show up who offer more rent. Vacancy is insanity.

Most likely these "Troubled Assets" will remain troubled until their appraised value coincides with the incomes withn the community in which they are located. It will be decades before higher incomes replaces current growing unemplyment. The appraised values were always imaginery even though undected by some. Residential Reale Estate is worth no more than the average income in the community of matching mortage qualification.

Will it help to reduce the mortgage balances.? Renting for present income already solves foreclosure and eviction. Restating the mortage to present real value baased on the rental
equivalent mortgage, makes permanent immediatly the loss of investors. Might as well wait until offers of higher rental (the new synonym for mortgage payents) are raised by new potential occupants.

Unfair to performing mortgages? Responsible owners probably didn't borrow the excess valuation attributed to all neighboring properties Their valuations are dropping back to real. Realismand affordability of mortgage payments is their reward. No point in joing the defaulting. There mortgage balances are reponsibly lower than their current appraised value. Keeping 6 million homes occupied is absolutely necessary to avoid civil unrest, anarchy, violence and perhaps revolution.

The Tzar aof Russia and The Queen of France found out that if you transfer the resources of the country too much from the poor to the rich society disintegrates. Hitler's Nazi Germany was the direct result of hyper inflation created by the demand of the allies that Germany had to repay all of the Allies WWI expenses. That approach was corrected after World War II by the Marshall Plan which rebuilt Gemrany and similar rebuilding of Japan at the expense of the Allies.

Wehave learned that you can't punish the surviving population of the American TARP debacle
by letting our communities disntegrate. We have irresponsible Americans in our population
When some go to Casinos and race tracks it's manageable. They bring their own cash not ours.
But when the richest banks in the country aid and abet homeowners to borrow more by convincing them their homes will appreciate at a rate that is impossible to maintain without incomes rising accordinly, then punishment is not the answer. Demanding restituion from the real culprits is the sensible if irritating thing to do.

Peter Palms